Thursday, November 8, 2012

About Ergon!

Welcome to Ergon Handicrafts!

Ergon, meaning "empowerment", is a fair trade based company that seeks to empower women in poverty through employment.  Ergon has been operating in North India since 2006, with production centers in Delhi and in Jaipur.

Our line of stationery products are made from handmade cotton papers, made from recycled cotton. This type of paper has been made in north India for centuries!  Our ladies take raw paper materials and form them into the beautiful note card sets and journals you find here. 

In India and across the world, some women receive very little education and often never have the opportunity to provide income to their family.  All of our women have never had a job before, but through their work with Ergon, they are gaining skills, and are finding a broader purpose to their life, all while earning valuable income that is directly improving the lives of everyone in their house hold.  

Take a look around, get to know our ladies, and we hope you enjoy the Ergon stationery!